“Learn & Play”, 4th Mondays in Stevenson
September 2, 2022 7:10 pm Leave your thoughtsStories, songs and activities for you and your little ones the 4th Monday of each month from September 26 - May 22.
Stories, songs and activities for you and your little ones the 4th Monday of each month from September 26 - May 22.
This parent enrichment course focuses on strengthening parenting skills and effective strategies for managing children's behaviors.
ODE's Early Learning Division featured Dr. Velvet Cooley, COO of Mid-Columbia Children's Council, highlighting the benefits of outdoor learning. MCCC’s Tygh Valley Head Start is primarily outdoors and the children have excelled in this environment.
MCCC offers both free and tuition-based programs for families throughout the Gorge. If you qualify for food assistance your child now qualifies for Head Start.
Early Head Start Services begin August 1st, 2022. The first day of class is September 6th, 2022. Call us today to schedule your family's enrollment.
MCCC has fun events planned for the whole family. Join us at one or all of our six events!
Due to unsafe travel conditions, select MCCC sites will be closed or delayed today. CLOSED: Petersburg, The Dalles, Skamania, Stevenson,... View Article
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